Africa customer visit for cassava milling machine

DOING News / Chat online / Technical support / 2019-06-19

This week,Nigeria customer visit my company for cassava milling machine and garri processing machine. The customer visit my factory and see the running of cassava milling machine.After visiting the factory,the customer is very satisfied with our garri processing machines and the cassava milling machine.

cassava milling machineCassava milling machine

During the garri processing,cassava milling machines is very important progress. Cassava milling will also affect the garri  yield. Normally, After cassava washing and peeling,  The cleaned cassava roots coming from the washing unit will be fed into the cassava milling machine.
When cassava milling, we use the special cassava milling machines with one exit pure cassava starch come out, another exit with cassava pulp come out. Then starch can  be settle down, and dewater, dry under the sun etc, Customers can get pure cassava starch;
For the cassava pulp, normally, we keep it for 2-3days for fementation. and the use presser to dewater it. Finally use the cassava garri fryer to fry it.At last, you will  get garri. 
In the Africa market, there are white garri and yellow garri, if customer want to get yellow garri, they need add the palm oil before garri processing.

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